Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

riTTSDlUCH rOST'GAZETTE? WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS, 1972- The Rock Scone Shot in Canada NFW YORK AP AP) And thriller starring Robert Ryan nnd Jean-Louis Trintignant, on location in 01331 WHERE THE NEW HOT "PASSIONS FANDANGO" ADULT ACTION IS! SHOW TODAY IN HOLLYWOOD" Alio UNBELIEVABLE SAT. IN THI LOUNGE ww ar What's In a Name: Obscurity or Fame? By MiKE KALINA What's in a name? Would Grand Funk Railroad by any other name sound the same? Indeed, but perhaps the group wouldn't be as successful. No matter what the artists might say, the name is Important. A good one results in a strong identity, a bad one, well, 1 NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED A. fwr mnr 'ii mm mrr IENTON I WILLIAMS FRI.

t. FRIDAYS ONE NIGHT ONLY! Maynard Ferguson 1 fei HE CONQUERED Color by MOVIE LAB NO ONE lINDfH ADMIMtD a HARRY NOVAK PHI SI noom mm is 1 AND HIS ALL STAR ENGLISH BAND DINNER OR SUPPER SHOW PACKAGES I 1. "A Horse With No Name" Amerira 2. "In the Rain" Dramntics 3. "First Time I Saw Your Face" Roberta Flack 4.

"Puppy Love" Donny Osmond 5. "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" Wings fi. "Betcha By Golly Wow" Stylistic 7. "American Tic" Don McLean 8. "Without You" Nilsson 9.

"Kverything I Own" Bread 10. "I Gotcha" Joe Tex 11. "Way of Love" Cher 12. "Lion Sleeps Tonight" Rohert John 13. "Precious and Few" Climax 14.

and Child Reunion" Taul Simon 15. "King Heroin" James Brown 16. "Slipping Into Darkness" War 17. "Bang-a-Gnng" T. Rex 18.

"Day Dreaming" Aretha Franklin 19. "Heart of Gold" Neil Young 20. "Day I Found Myself" Honeycones TOP FIVE ALBUMS 1. "Harvest" Neil Young 2. "America America 3.

"Paul Simon" Paul Simon 4. "Let's Stay Together" Al Green 5. "American Pie" Don McLean Compiled in Pittsburgh for tlie rost-Gazctte, March 14 feV SATURDAY! ONE NIGHT ONLY! Dizzy Gillespie IBnrmnr AUusinc 1331 Freeport Rrf. (Rt. 28) Cheswkk COMING MARCH 24 ft 25: Th.

VOGUES Starring DIXIE DONOVAN JOHNNY ROCCO 5501 or 31-22 ROUTE 22 lAunnrfin Rts. info. 274 OPENS FRIDAY! 351.1335 Dinner and Sun. ihru SI Saturday: Dinnor 824-400C JACK S. LEONARD OPEN DAILY FROM PAMfll tTU NEW show every THURS sion," and then goes into a fine treatment by Capaldi of the sentimental lyrics done up in a hard rock frame.

An excellent guitar solo by Paul Kossoff breaks the record in two. Capaldi comes back on HRain and his vocals are swal lowed up in an ending which best could be described as structured dissonance. All of the other songs on the LP were written by Capaldi yet none quite match up to "Anniversary Song." By the way, on most of the cuts on the album Capaldi is assisted by other members of Traffic including lead Steve Winwood. XrrxNMi WW It nil mmmnt PmMI IVW 41 if lefritri MEN! 1 TRY YOUR LUCK IN OUR EXOTIC DANCE CONTEST SEE IF YOU CAN PICK A WINNER! G-STRING WEEK STAGE SHOWS 12 NOON, 2:30, VI 8:30 10:00 PHONE 231-9194 Bf ALL IN COLOR Man I a I-SPECIAL-! SSSr xcitine full rlS S(SV' Sound Features in ii mr, blushing color! 1 Ladlei FREl wifti fscorf Tdii Wee Only. with Debbie Osbornn I 1WI The Story of a Girl's Love, a Boy's Courage and a Rogue's Reckless Daring.


Under 17 requties at corrtpnnylng Po'nt or Adult Guardian NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED (Aye limit may vary in certain oreni AFFAIR" Ann-Margret PG FROM NOWHERE" PG ft 7t i Pictut Not Roid I by M.P.A A. EsHeathclitf mmw rJff-TTig-Vr IntomatlOfMl fllmauwiates MICHAEL CAINE ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON 'S "KIDNAPPtD" panaviSion. HOWARD JACK HAWKINS DONALD PLEASENCE COIM R33 THERE'S NOE BETTER ALSO LOCATIONS Downtown Pittsburgh! 801 Liberty Avenua I ANNA CALDER-MARSHALL as Cathy In EMILY BRONTE'S mm I i I. --WIS, s. 9 a.m.

TO MIDNITE $2.00 1 NO ONE UNDER 21 ADMITTED margret rossano brazzi criminal affair barbara nicriots helen chanel gina maria hidalgo producsd by cscor brazd diracttjd by crward ross ant ted knttetonci a ggp nlMM color by mcrvHilab 2 were sinking wwnvv worv rcei a novo and mor shark fins PENN HILLS PENN HILLS EASTLAND EASTLAND PLAZA SEWICKLEY SEWICKLEY WtEKDAYS: 7:15 9:20 P.M. SAT. 5:15 P.M. CASINO THEATRE VANDERGRIFT WEEKDAYS: 7:00 9.00 M. SAT.

i SUN 3 00 7:00 9:00 P.M. The Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Nicolas Petrov, Founder and Artistic Director, premieres Stravinsky's RITE OF SPRING, PETROUCHKA, and Scenes it doesn help a bit. Of course, the name isn't the most impor tant thing but it is just as important as good arrangements, good alization and 1 u-m a tion, good promo-tion, not to mention good stage presence. I don't know of anv 1 Mr, Kalina singer or group that's made it on name only (except Nancy Sinatra but that's another story). Rock critic Lillian Roxon once conjectured: "Would Peter, Paul and Mary have had a chance as Marvin, Seymour and Shirley?" Well.

I think so, but that great, simple "folksy" name Peter, Paul and Mary surely didn't hurt things. In short, it was an agent's dream (their real names, by the way). What would have happened to Sonny and Cher had they gone by Gladys and Ralph? I think they still would have been successful despite their name, much like Simon and Garfunkle made it i their name (real again). In fact, and achieved more fame using their real names than the phony one they had gone under back in the 1930s: Tom and Jerry (I The name game is Important in the rock business but it's safe to say that the more talented the group the less Important their name. A lousy group better have not only a good name but also a lot of bread behind it.

TRAFFIC'S Jim Capaldi has come up with a smash album on his own. It's called "Oh, How We Danced" (Island label, distributed by Capitol Records). I think Capal- di's rendition of the Al Jolson- Saul Chaplin "Anniversary Song" will make the top 10 on the charts in weeks to come. The cut opens with a throbbing intro, much like the Temptations' "Ball of Confu WHAT AWAY TO GO! A GREAT NFW MUSICAL REVUE 8t. 8.4? Sun.

8:30 nr.iMViUiMa mm APPEARING NITELy Men. thru Sat. IN THE LOUNGit 1M WUE TIIIO TODAY AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE BETHFL SCI. 1 (Bethel rrk -Jov In the Mornlne'1 IPOI. Also Rvan O'Nel! A William Holrlen In "Wild Rovers'1 PGI.

BETHEL NO. (Bethel Turk)-Michael Ciilne In "Kirlnpped" ir.l. Also "Wmherlne Heights" Ol. Call 833-7S15. THESWICK EAST 1 Warren Beatty In 'MrCahe A Mra.

Miller'' RI, 8:00. Also "Summer Of '42" RI. 8:15. 10:00. CHESWIf'K WEST CIM-IIUM Coco Dyan Cannnn In "Such Oood Fiiends" Rl.

8:00, 10:00. GAI.AI.Xr "The Oanir That Couldn't Shoot StralRht" IPOI, r.ARDEV (Norlh side) 1st, Run Pith, Adtilta Only. "Tobacco Roody" XI. Also "The Sivret Sex Lives of Romeo Ar Juliet." GRANADA (Centre Ave. Starls sat.

"Chain Oane Women" IRI. Also "Someone Behind Th Door." MT. OLIVER (EV. Michael Calna In "Kidnapp'd" IGI. Also Emily Bronte'i "Wutherlng Heights.

Open 6:00 p. m. OAKX (Oakmnnl) Warren Oatrs In "Chandlers," 7.1B. Also Richard Chamberlain In "Joy In th Morning" IPGI. 9:00.

RECENT SQ. (PR. 1 Dya Cannon Jennifer Nell in "Such Oood rrlendj'' 1R, 7:41, 9:40. sr.WICKI.ET True TJfe Adventura tor tha Whole Family, "Th Ra Expeditions" IGJ. SOI'TH (SKI-IUKI or Sfl-iW) Michael Caine In "Kidnapped." Also Lee Marvin in "Paint, Your Wagon" IGI.

WHITEHALL (Brentwood Coco ft Dyan Cannon in "Such Good Trlends" IRI. Also R. Baskln'" Rl. Open 6:30. Free Parking.

(Advertisement) BOY! WILL I HELP TIGER SERVE UP THOSE laughs; TIGER Daily And Sunday In The Pittsburgh Press To Call 263-1121 in. Starring Violette Verdy BELLEVUE Bellevue BETHEL CINEMA Bethel Park BLUE DELL DR. IN. North Hills CAMP HORNE DR. IN Hills CINEMA 22 Monroeville MT.

OLIVER Brownsville Rd. NORTH HILLS McKnieht Rd. Friday, April 7 .8:30 p.m. and due to great demand, prorjram will bo repeated I I JaTitftWMirirant A ABC DRIVE IN Baden MT. LEBANON DR.

IN. 19, So. COLONIAL DR. IN Rt. SI, So.

NORTH SIDE DR. Road GREATER PGH. DR. Route 30 STARTS SUNDAY McKEE CINEMA McKeesport i REGENT East Liberty Prices: 8.95 7.95 6.95 4.95 Tickets at all Ticketron Outlets Telephone 922-5300, or 391-4100, ext. 8407 or Make check payable and send with coupon to: Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Wood St.

and Blvd. of Allies Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 Show Fti. Suppfr and Show Sun. thru Fri.

4.50 10 P.M. lo 2 A.M. SurPr 14 LARGE PIECES OF OUR ICELANDIC OCEAN WHITE FISH REG. 4.74 Avalon 1001 Ohio River Blvd. de Ballet and Edward Villella Orchestra at Heinz Hall me tickets ea.

cr April 9, I972 is enclosed. and the Pittsburgh Playhouse. I.pgiil Notices BOS'iOl MAIILDA, of Sonnadole, Pn. No. 1226 of Wi.

Ilnioid Hosiolo, t- 10.1 Pills-hiiruli 51, tlioswi'k, Pel. 1 S024 nr to Frnnns V. Sohmo, 1224 Frirk Pa. 15219. DANIFLE, VINCENT P.

SF) deceased, ol Pa. No. 9l of Iv'A Vmcnnt H. Doniele, Jr. bxtr 171 Ongmor Pa.

or lo hulcrl U. Haiornnl, 3101 Grant Pa. 15519. PONIST, III.LliN E. also" known ns Helen Ponist, deceosed, No.

1204 ol IvV. Vria Luuvris, 9 1 Agnew Pa. or to Samuel 'wins, 10 Grant Pa.152l9. CORCORAN, CHARLES deceased, ol Pa. No.

1198 of idiHiiu k.nicornn, I2i6 Tweed Pa. 15201, or to Jon c. nohiln, tsnuiie, 1 SO I Grnnt Pa. 15219. KL I NGFNSMI TH.

ANNA ol Pa. No. Se5 ol Hoiolfl Mingrnsmnn, txtr 5516 Contento Sarasota, Fla. u' io mines Umiv. 618 Fnck Pa.

15719. PRYMAS, BLANCHE also known a Bronislowa Warvlkn, deceased, of Pn. No. -1182 ol 191. Edward C.

Cicsiok, .111 kadisson Pn. 15227, or lo Walter JL, I usuo, .109 Allegnenv Pa. 15219. LUKAS7EWIT, A ri-censed, ol Clalrtnn Pa. No.

1116 of 192. Waiter Karloski, Extr 1216 Route DB'j, Clnlrlon, nr ta hrrles I. einler, llfM Law 8, Finance Pa. 15219. HARMON, FLIZABFTH olsa known Elizabeth S.

Hormon, nt hu'rilwood Boi'O'itjh. No. 1210 ol 197. Orrin HoriTion, Ii L-xti II W. Francs Ave Pa or to Donald w.

Shriller; Wclier, Wicks and Wallace, 1800 Benedum-Treej Pit. IS222. B( RRYMAN, OEORGF-, deceased of Pn. No, 117 ol 19'. Vincent Rcrrvni'in A'lni, U.

Eileen Pa. Isvm, or lo Alan 806 Fnck Pn. 15219. XCHNARWILER, ROBERT rensed, ot rgn t'a. No.

1717 ot to7 Irene Belle Schnorwi Her 1.1,19 Howard Pgh Pd. T)2I2, or to Mnuilce M. Brounstein, Attv 1202 Fnck Pa. GRAY, ETHEL H. also known ol pihel Hohn c.rav.

deceased, of Wnkinshutg, Pa. No. H93 ot 1972. John Giav, 708 Southern Ave Pah Pa. 15715, or to John n.

stenetord, 14'4 Fnck Bids Po. 15217. COOK IDA deceased, of P'n Two Po Nn 170(1 of r- Mil Normnn A Cook. Extr 167 Coigan lrri'ic''. Peon Hi is, Pa.

I5A15. or to lour. I'. Poulii-l, Attv, Vi AAellon Bonk Blrla Po 15717. JaNKOWSKI, ALBERT, drcensed.

of S'owe Two Pa. No. 1713 ot '9'7, Hinhrth Pnltlev xtr 11 3'H st Slowe i or to t-jmn Pec or I 575 Giant Pn 15719. IISSMANN, MARCAREI. I el 1, now" Ml' I O'Sn kriOMt ns l.ii'lw'ii'l l.r.S- nr( rv.M, nf Pu Po 1.

I 705 nl 19 '7 Louise 'iv "icvius ran '0 oi lo rnwin FH'S Attv 6'5 15 Amenran Rockwell Bids, Po" fa. 1 5222. ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE HEATERS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR COMFORT MOVIE RATING GUIDE FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE The objective of the ratings is to inform parents about the suitability of movie content for viewing by their children. BEST DOCUMENTARY OF THE YEAR! G' ALL AGES ADMITTED General Audiencel ism tO-morif iVr i cutting the jp EXPEDNS PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED Some Mnlennl Mny Not Be Sttitnblo Fir Pr. "Idcnfirjiv IPG ABC "CRIMINAL "MAN Hrohway 65 it Bailee 89-2271 ARDMORE Yitst, Blvd.

off Ardmort Blvd. 271-5010 BLUE DELL Rt. 30 East, Irwin, Pa. 823-1828 CAMP HORNE Between Rt. 11 Ohio fllvar Blvd.

36-1-1127 COLONIAL Ht. 51 south 855-9707 DEPENDABLE 5 Mln. from Grtr. Pgh. Alrnnrt Z6-1-7011 FAIR GROUND "SUCH "SUCH T.

R. BASKIN'' "KIDNAPPED" "WUTHERING Anna "KIDNAPPED" "WUTHERING Anna "MAN SEASON "IIKR. GOOD FRIENDS" Cannon, Ken Howard Candice Bergen PG Michael Caine HEIGHTS" Cldcr-MarhHll, Tlin IlaKcm Michael Caine HEIGHTS" Cililrr-Marshal, Tim Dallnn "CRIMINAL AFFAIR" PG Ann-MsrirrtH FROM NOWHERE" PG OPENING FRIDAY, MARCHTt" Sunday, MJJI II with the Pittsburgh Symphony Please send for April 7 Check for Address City State Phone affiliation with Point Park College Legal Notices The location and post of fire nddter.s ot Its reqislered office in the Commonwealth Is 7700 Sniallmnrt Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County. Po. 3rd The purpose or purposes of Ihe corporation are: Ta Invest In, own, conduct, manage and operate fhe business of a common, contract, and private carrier by motor vehicle transporting properly and-or persons in interstate or foreign commerce, or in intrastate commerce in any state of the United States including bclwecn points in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the regulations of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission; and business incidental and necessary to rendering such service.

To engage in and do any lawful act concerning any or all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated under the Business Corporation Law of Pennsylvania, ond for Ihese purposes to have, possess ond enlny all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Actof Assembly. NOTICE hereby given pursuant fa the provisions of Act of May 24, 1945, P. L. 96, as amended, of Intention to file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, and in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, on Monday, the 20th day nf March, 1972. a Certificate for the conduct of a business In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Mnrliane's Coiffeurs, with Its principal place of business at 219 Shafer Road, C.oraopolis, Pn.

15108, The names and addresses of all persons owning or Interested in said business are: Donna Hyric, Shafer Road, Coraooohs, Pa. 15108. NOTICE Is herehy given pursuant tn tne provisions of Act of May 7 1, 1915. P.L. 96, as amended, nf Intention to file in the ofdre of the Secretary of the Commonwealth ot Pennvlvnnin.

at HnrriMniro, and the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas nf Allegheny County, on Monday, the day of Mnrch, 197, a Certificate for the conduct of a business In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictitious name, style or designation of "Unon Grnun ravel," with Ifs principal place of business at 1115 Gateway No, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15772. The names and addresses of all persons owning or Interested In said business are: 1 nrrv C. 7 Marshall Rd. Piltsburgh, Pa.

J52M. ESTATE NOTICES l1i-t hav bn orantrd on th 1(ir of each c.f the following rte-fyelent fo th personal rer.rfwnto-flve nornM who rouml all oerwns having claim against the estate of th rirreant to rtre known the arn In wrltlnj to him or hi attorney, mvl oil person Inttchtr tr) the deredent to mok poymeol to him without delay: CnHO, Mntanrft rlrrfnsrrl, of Mt Lebanon Twn Pn. Nn 10W ol F-rank r. oho. hli J5I Morrison Piltsbingh, F'n.

1WI6, or to Fronk Cnhn, sn inn Grant Pitlsbuirjh, BROWN. WILI lAM'S. II. nl Pah, Pn Mo. 7ie nl l'7.

i'-lh II Wolmit SI Poh Po or to lok HutiTion, iiitiersoll, Rorlfwolrt, Kvle Fur-pn, Ai.vs., 1800 Oliver Pa. "RutlcrflT" SHE A HIM" I I GOOD FRIENDS" iV Sira Candice Bergen PG In Legal Notii ps NOTICE IS tioroby olven pumuant to Ihe provisions of Acl of Moy 1945, P. L. 967, os omrnded, of Intpntion to file In 1h office of the Secretary of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, at Hnrrisbuig, ond In the office of the Prothonotary of th Court of Common Picas of Altctjhony County, on Tuesday, the day of (March, 197, Certificate for the conduct of a business in Allrahpny County, Pennsylvania, under the nssumed or fictitious name, style or designation of Prospect Park Reautv Salon, with Its principal place of business at 1410 Rndforri Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15297.

The names and addf esses of all persons owning or interested in said business are: Ralph F. and Roberta J. Aicllo, 103 Redclllfe Pa. T5025. MICHAEL Ratfe, Esq.

Rose, Schmidt cind Dixon Attorneys at Law, 919 Oliver Ruilding, Piltsburgh, Pa. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Act of May 1945, P. L. 9o7, as amended, of Intention to tile In the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, and in the office of the Prothonolarv of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, on April 1, a Certificate for the conduct ol a business In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, under the assumed or fictltlom name style or designation of Air-North Associates, with its principal place of business at 164 Fort Couch Road, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15241. The real names and addresses of all the persons owning or interested in said business are: a.

General Inter-Air, Inc. Sheraton Motor Inn-South, Fort Couch Rood ot Washington Rood (U.S. Route 19) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15241. The name and places of residence of the i-nit-M Partners "rn ns fr'lnws: Robert W. Tobey, ISA? Tiffany Drive, Pa.

15741; John T. Dickinson, 1501 Locust Street, Pa. 15719; David F. Shields, 3119 Ponoka Delve, Pa, Arthur D. Tarauinio, 925 Rrondhend Drive, (oraonolls, Pa.

15108; Inn Eauities, 919 Oliver Build-lnJ, Pa. 15772; Harris F. Hawkins, Rrookside Pa. 15741; Katherine E. Halhaway, Foirgreen Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa.

15741; D. Stoufter, 106 Fort Couch Road, Pgh, Pa. 15741; Roy N. Landau, 2809 Autumnwnad Drive, Glenshaw, Pa. 15116; Dennis E.

1H67 Tllton Drive, Pa, 15241 Dr. Sebastian Arena, 1501 Locust Strer-t, Pa. 15219; Dona'd W. Stechschulte, 717 Pinook Road. Pa.

15728; 5.H.R. J. Dutney Haves, M.D C'nir M-mortal Hosnital, Rower Mill Road, Pa. 15241; Pitt Bethel Associates, 164 Fort Couch WICK, Vunnn Lavel'e, Attv 2110 Grant Pa, 15219. Notice is hprrhy alven that Articles nf Amendment were filed with and nnpftved h- the Onrrrrr rt r'Me of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvn tvn.

at no th dav of February, 1972, hv Standard MVr Frioht inc Business Corporation, having 1H af'ice at No. matlmrin Street, City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny riiri Articles of Amendment were filed hh- ts -ire'-'-'ons of 'he I'minss Cornnrntlen Law of the Commnn- i.illh nl Pnnsylvrfnia. onprnvf May 1911, L. 1M, as nmenrted, t-f nnti i' rind rhnrnr ffr nf amendment ne as follows: That A 1 1 i 7nd and Tr rj the Articles of Incorporation amended to read as follows; Te-d. You must see RAI An astounding true -life adventure for the whole familyl STARTS TODAY! ONE WEEK ONLY! GOOD FRIENDS" Cannon, Ken Howard WALSH" Lee Marvin PG OF O'Neal MRS.

MILLER' W. Beatty Award Nomincr, Julie Christie AFFAIR" PG Ann-Marfrpt FROM NOWHERE" PG AFFAIR" PG Browmvl I le next tr Park Fairgrnuiiili 561- "gateway lMjAi! Ferrv-Greenshuni Rrf. New 33)1111 GREATER PGH. "SUMMER dt. 30.

"4 Miu of 'McCABE Innhiiiisa BrlilBfi. 824-5590 MT. LEBANON Rt. l. Dnnnttlion Crmirondi.

715-7513 NORTH SIDE Lamar Ret. Geyer Bd. 322-1203 "MAN ROUTE 19 Kent. 19 South 225-4820 SOUTH HILLS It. 51 So.

Nut to Ankara BrnwiMllH next tn Soulh "7" park Fairgrnunfis 5M-0552 BASKIN" "SUCH Ovan "SUCH Dvnn "MONTE Academy "CRIMINAL "MAN 'linbelh "Tbrre'i Oolrllf DENIS MT. LEBANON ROXIAN McKEES ROCKS Ann-Marnrpt FROM NOWHERE" PG WEEKDAYS: P.M. TIMES: SAT. 1:00 3:00 5.00 7:30 :30 P.M. Tavlnr.

Mirhael rain A fiirl In Snnp" IRI Hawn. Prter Sellers SOUTH PARK Rt. (18 Rethel Pari 835-7737 Mcknight Mcknight road WEEKDAYS: 5 4S 7 45 9.45 P.M. SAT. 100 V00 5:00 7:30 9:30 P.M MANOS THEATRE TARENTUM WEEKDAYS: 7:00 9:00 M.

SAT 5HN 1 00 3 00 5:00 7:00 9:00 P.M. GOOD FRIENDS" Cannon, Km Hnivnrrl "Goodbye Columbus" Ali McGraw "SUMMER OF '42" J. O'Neal 'McCABE MRS. MILLER' W. Beaty Aradfniv Anrrl Nmninrr, JiiHf ChrKtif "HOSPITAL" Geo.

C. Scott PG "THE HUNTING PARTY" Oliver Beeil anrtire llereen. lime Hiritman "SUCH GOOD FRIENDS" lvan fannnn. Ken HonerH "Goodbye Columbus" Ali McGraw MARCH 1ft, 1972 SUPER .71 Rt. 11 So.

lo Rt. 201 929-7010 TWIN HLWAY jr. 2 MM.) W.t of Cratton 923-2291.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.