Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

ib THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1910. 19 FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. Notes and Comment RANGE OF PRICES ON NEW YORK STOCKS 'Reported by Moore, Leonard Ljroch, Friek Building, Pittsburg, Pa.) Oil Stocks Active On New York Board The demand for Westinghouse Air- CORPORATION ISSUESSTHDNG Rond Market Broadens and Deals Are Larger Prices Irregular. brake yesterday wag taken to come from substantial investment sources, jits rise from 104 to 109 was made on no particular information that became public although it is generally felt Americans don't quit 150 shares and 225 shares Tropical Oil sold at 1S4.

The preference shown for Royal Dutch as against the weakness of Mexican Petroleum yesterday was said to have resulted front reports that the British government had withdrawn contracts from the latter and had turned them over to the Royal Dutch. Mexican Petroleum de-i veloped strength in the late sales. PITTSBURGH STOCKS. inorase win nave a considerable amount of new business when the railroads start buying supplies. Texas Company and Royal Dutch Both Higher in Day's i Tradings.

not ine stock sold in the low 90 very long ago. Ajax P.ubber Alaska AUia-Chalmera Do Am. Eeet Sugar. Am. Can Am.

Car. A Fndy Am. Cotton Am. Hide Do Am. Ice Am.

Inter. Corp. Am. Linseed Oil. Am.

Locomotive, Am. The International Harvester Company has declared the regular dividend of 1 75 a share on the IN OILS Following is in official record of transaction on tho Pittsburgh Stock Exchange yesterday: 180 to 10:13. I V4 Lib 34 94.13 So Okie, lias 3 jjjim do rjo ho do do. 3 'iw Lil 4tn 4s- SS.1 2S jt. Mo fa.

I do iJlW do 3.3) Go $.,0 63.94 Airhr K-4 i to IttSO, 14:15 to 14 mw 3t 1" Airbrake lOiHt Okla Gas do 107 St-- A A A A A A ft A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a I BiG DAY LOCALLY I NVestinghouse Airbrake Is the Investment Favorite and Has Good Rise. it Ofcio Fjel Sup 4s1; 109 Bald loco com S3 Am. Steel Fndrjr preferred stock, payable June to record of May 10. The Philadelphia Company March statement shows increases as follows: Gross earnings, net earnings. $422,448.

The increase evidently ac- counts for the recent activity in the; stock. The Standard Oil Company of New York reports for the year ended De- cember 31: I 19 IS. 1917. Net after expenses, taxes, I 1 reserve depreciation. tS0.0O9.S73 Surplus after 19,43,37 21.750,653 The following railroads yesterday In the Jvernacular of the day, "America is there" when it comes to putting things over.

The Victory Loan is coming along this great industrial territory is living up to its reputation. II A no 4SW 8 Si1 do 4 Pgh Jer .21 do 49 Sua. do 21 Br Gazette Times Psitatb Wise. (New York Times Service.) NEW YORK, April 28. The bond market broadened today and the dealing's in the corporation issues were larger than for a long time past.

The move of prices on the whole was irregular and while there were some marked features of strength, particularly among the 14 1 do 49 i 13:30 to 1:00. Am, Am. Sumatra Am, Tel. A Tel-Am. Woolen Am.

Zinc ft Lead 49 IKi 1-gh Jer 414 4 iO do do do do do do urn do iOi do 35 Ohio Fuel Oil. 23 Ohio Fuel Sup V) do 4Vi 49 4 4t convertible issues, there was a suf 35 Mfr A H. A I 53 lr. AS do 49 reported results of operations for the month of March: Pennsylvania Lines West Mrt, 1 A 4 5)i I There was a lot of speculation among people interested in the stock market as to what the dividend on steel common would be for the quarter. Judge Gary's remarks a few days ago concerning the financial position of the corporation led some to believe that there will be something extra, although a number of observers predict that only the regular quarterly per cent will be declared.

The stock held steady yesterday fractionally above par. Ohio Fuel Supply was In favor during the entire session on the local market yesterday. A good amount of stock came out on the offers and it is thought the heavy buying was in anticipation of a melon-cutting which has been more or less remotely rumored during the past 10 days. The high of the day, 49, was a record for the stock. Directors of the Peoples National Bank yesterday appointed John K.

ilcKee to the position of an assistant cashier. Mr. McKee recently returned from service with the Three Hundred and Third Battalion, and before his enlistment held the position of acting auditor at the bank, with which he has been connected since 1910. Yesterday was the twenty-third day on the New York market since the beginning ef the bull market early in February. Friday, the twenty-second day, broke all records for the corresponding period since 1907.

On the local curb 10 shares of Gulf m. 1 do. 3S do. 1- do. 30 do.

ot do 4914 com. 10 Pgn on A u.s 10 do 121 39 A com Si.4 1 Lano Star "'-'4 A A A A A A' At Coast d. A W. Baldwin Bait a. A Do Beth.

Steel Do new Brooklyn' Butto C. Zinc. Lib 3d 94.S4 1.1 1 th 4iir. do M.23 I'M do do JO Okla 1 do 1 do 1 do 1W do 10 do ltf Tjone star 1: TheUnidnTrustCd. SS Hi 3i Biitte A Superior A A A A A A A Airbrake 109 1:00 to 1:1.1.

100 Ohio Fuel Oil 4SH OT Okla Oa 36'4 44 Pgh Oil SO Airbrake la WS 5n Ic com. ri Operating revenue I Operating Income 120,735 82,657 Panhandle Operating revenue 5.69 i Operating 13,271 Bee. i.015,605 Norfolk and Western Operating 73.S1 I Operating Income KT3, 401 S2U.500 Southern Railway Operating revenue 4,493 Operating Income 3,97,116 The Canadian Northern Railway Company has announced that the earnings for the year ending Decern- ber 31 last were not sufficient to per-' mit the Company to declare the inter-i est payable May 2 on the 5 per cent convertible debenture stock. 1 Another prominent New York brok- erase house, Redmond will! open a Pittsburgh office in a few fs 10:30 to 11:00. OP PITTS BURGH 337 FOUBTH '-Avenue Bono (fcptfoiiTiTH AND SmITHFIELO 1" Airbrake A3 4 lotji, low Psh oii- do A A 1(11! 1:13 to 2:90.

Capitai, asd Surplus, $36,000,000 Business continued ati a 1,000,000 Bbare clip on the New Tbrk market yesterday. Except for th4 0H3 there was nothing spectacular, "exas Company reached a new high of 230 on the 'present movement. Mexican Petroleum as -freak In the morning but rallied in the afternoon. Royal Dutch "was strong; and in heavy demand closing at 113, a gain of 34 over the opening. Sinclair Oil also made a new high of 59H, closing only a fraction Under that flfrure.

The rails were well taken and held their gains of last week pretty well. There was brisk trading in the Marine stocks at or near the, 4op figures for the present movement. Steel common held steady nd there i considerable speculation an to, what the dividend will be when the directors meet at the close of tho luarket today. Airbrake Local Feature. Airbrake, one of the old time investment favorites in the local market, was in demand yesterday at advancing prices.

It opened at 10 and quickly rose to 109 on very light buying. Along with Airbrake, "Westinghouse Electric also received favorable attention and was taken readily around 51, which was 1 higher than the close on Saturday: Ohio Fuel Supply made a new high at 49s AM Ub Jer .2: 10H: SOU Ran Toy 07 do do jo A iM'im 0i ....1 21 do do 1 r- IS AnflftftflflgftnnflflftftflflflRflftflfiflflftaflftiiiiftnftflflfiflflflaflaf fliifia Okla' 36" 90 S6Vi V. pfd Si li Elee rH JW 51 do 1 do 51 CI. Do Canadian Pacific Central CerTo De Chandler Chea. A C.

A G. C. A N. M. A St.

Do R. I. A Do pref Do 7i Chile Copper Chlno Copper. Col. Fuel A Iron.

Col. Gas Ohio Fuel Sup 4 do 44 1W do 41 It do 9 1." Ohio puel Oil 23' ficient number of recessions to partially offset the improved tone elsewhere. The Interborough Rapid Transit 5s were an especially weak spot among the active securities and at the end of the day fairly active trading showed loss of 1. The convertible issues among the oils were particularly benefited by the sharp gains in the shares of those companies and as a result of the day's business the Pierce Oil 6s of 1924 were up 12, while the 1924 maturity showed a gain of 3. The Sinclair Oil 7s with warrants attached advanced as compared with Saturday's final figures.

The Consolidated Gas convertible 6s was another strong member of this group with a net gain of Uj. Other notable advances were 1 each in Denver and Rio Grande refunding 6s and Peoria and Eastern income 4s; 1 in Chicago and Alton 3s and 1 each in Hudson and Manhattan first refunding 5s, Oregon Short line refunding 4s and St. Louis and San Francisco income 6s. The principal losses were '2 in Albany and Susquehanna 38 and 1 4 in Chicago Great Western 4s. The average price of 40 bonds closed at 76.95, up 12.

The 25 rails closed at 73.95,-up the eight industrials at 95.42, up the six public utilities at 61.56, of .33, and the one municipal at 96.75, unchanged. Liberty bonds were strong, all the issues improving with the exception of the 3s, which closed unchanged at 98.64. The first 4s closed at 95.90, up the second 4s days. The local branch will be in charge of Stanhope S. Goddard.

An application has been made for membership on the local exchange. Oil sold at 368. Pittsburgh-Texas Oil 4 do rji 1 t'hion oas 1S4 and Gas made a new high at S'i for 40 Nffra H. rHii 'J5 Mfm r. u.

53 IW Okla Uas it Sewer 84 1 do 23 Ohio Fuel Sun 4Si New York Curb Mining Stocks. 4. .20 i do 4M 1 Pgh Jer Cop. Kai Zi Klec com D) Cons Ice pfd do Sewer .201 A ff li com SS Wl 1 do Ii! 1" Pgh Oil C. 124 IH 124 tcr, Ltb 1th Consolidated.

Gas Continental Can 3E Psh Brtr com i li Iron and Steel Market. CLEVELAND, April 28. The Daily Iron Trade Review says today: The Peek industrial board will try to call steel men to "Washington again to reconsider the price schedule. St. Louis district pig iron sellers grow discouraged while vainly awaiting a market turn and southern producers see no signs of change.

Large tonnages of war material are about to be thrown uponthe markets. Connellsville coke market again has softened as trade grows quieter. LaBelle com. 4 Llb 1 A i.M it fc; I.lh 3.1 4i; .40 94.90 I S- L.lb 4th 91.1S Bid Ask) Bid Ask Atlanta a 0 IKTerr 54 54 liiK i Magma In 2S'-a Hon Mm. .70 .721 Mason Val 1 2 Caledonia Darrah .43 Cal 'j.

Mons i Can Copper. IS ljMother Lode .40 Cons 1 lV Do 4 4 Cons Copper 4" 5 IMpissintr 8H Cresson 5 Here 2 2K, First Nat. IS Rochester .1 .30 Gold .04 .06 Green Mon. "i Hi Temlsisamlng S3 34 Hecla 5 Kxt S'4 Howe Pound 3Ti 4'(, Tonopah Min 2V, 3 Hollinrer 6 fl'nited East. 4 4'i Iron ftlos H'l' Vdo 35 36 Jerome Vde.

'vWhite .24 Jim Butler. .35 05 .07 Jumbo Ext. .13 Goid. 1 IVi 2:00 to C. com 51 10 do SI 30 Ohio guel Sup -no 93.1S 11:00 to 11:15.

-an Pah oil ai I KM do jiff WW IJiBelie do 49, It's Our Business The law provides that within a reasonable time after the death of a testator enough property he sold to pay all claims against the estate. In such case a trust company in intimate daily touch with markets and real estate is able to sell when prices are most favorable. Do Cuba Cane Sugar Del. D. R.

Erie Do first Do second pref. Fed. Smelt, General ElectHc. General Ciax WHj low Gas 3S" io 3nVi Philadelphia Stocks. Baldwin Loco Trn General C8 Heading Do preferred lM'storage 11 -to3 10 A Xi 60 Mfrs t.

iS Ohio Fuel Oil IS 25 do 7 Peh Oil (i do Si. 1, i Ohio Fuel Sup 49 iM is 10 Kleo SOT' 11:13 to 15:00. 3 fo 75 am l.ako 19 union Lehigh Nav. SSi rKi0 4t.s. Sewer Goodrich Rubber.

at 93.60, up the first 4V4S at i United Gas 65 3 Steel Railway. SX Lih 3d 94.90 r. OKla Cas sr Cottonseed Oil Market. NKW YORK. April 28.

Cottonseed oil was quiet and unchanged. Prime crude. IT 50 prime summer yellow pot, fn 50. Lehish Valley Pa Phlta Klevtric Phila Do 34 Granby Greene Gt, Northern pfr Do 43 29 Bid. do 3H! do 94.SS BO K4 100 I-lb 2d 4 93.44 'do SSH! '30 SM.

344 -124 Okla 364 14) ie do 3T4 Gt. Northern Ore 1 3 10 Ohio Fuel Sup 49V4 Gult States Steel fireproot old. is IS do. lreproor pfd. 17 1 V.

do 17 Mfrs A 53 2 do r.3 i Ohio Fuel Sup 49 1 49 9 5.90, up the second 4 'is at up the third 414s at 95.20, up .06, and the fourth 4V-s at 93.50, up .16. Foreign governments were quiet and steady. The day's sales amounted to $13. 153,000, divided as foljows: Corporation, $2,238,000: Liberty paper, (1 0.585,500; foreign governments, state securities, New York City issues, $40,000. The following sales are in lots of $1,000 each: This insures against the hasty, inopportune sale, and consMiuent sacrifice of property, that might be approved by an individual executor, because ot inexperience or incompetency.

1 los4 do 30 Pgh Oil G. Ift Bewer 1T Airbrake .1... Airbrake lMHj 100 Pk( Jer .31 to do 109 fa Mfrs 1 Lone Star do do 1'9 1 Lone Star do Lib 3d 4.8ii 1 do Xi FidelityTitle andTrust Co. 24I-M9 FOURTH PITTSBURGH, "In odd lots. Closing Rales.

High. Low. Bid. C'ge. Ki0 95 91 9414 500 3S lt 38 ST4 3TH 6 91 1300 77 78 74 1 23C00 534 53 4 4 2300 K4 95 94'i 1700 54 5S4 554 Vi I 6500 2S4 13500 lMTi 111 114S, 34 400 4 484 44 '4 21700 US f.1 65 0 2709 54 644 54(4 iim 764 1 3700 71'4 'iVi TS 14 1200 96 944 944 3S 12l4 1 12S4 S20 1064 1024 194 14 1000 1024 1034 09 6714 4 I 00 144 14 14 0 4M0 624 1 2S00 S4 964 95H 97 0 11900 138T4 IX 137T4 S'i SM 91 934 1 2700 4S 484 V4 i 300 53 53 53 Vi 14W0 T444 T3'i Vi 100 1094 14 1064 0 1300 2t 21 20 0 -7 V4 500 2i'4 22 22 4 1500 2T4 2S4 "i 3 724 7S T2'4 1V4 12iO l3T4 163 161 -4 1200 W4 7H 4 V4 400 444 434 42V4 0 2" 143 143 1444 34 1300 684 62 aiH 4 2300 94 2109 964 95 95i 0 5900 39 374 SS 4 8700 69 674 4 88G0O 264 264 6f.i 664 6 V4 100 7 7S "lt -rVi S700 224 224 23 700 364 364 36 0 300 434 43 43 4 1000 48 454 3400 994 1 954 99 4 1300 St4 794 794 4 20SOO 634 624 63 4 11400 694 674 6S4 0 91 14 19100 30 2S4 304 ,24 100 104 104 1044 4 2400 7 6 64 1 MOO 174 1300 294 2 100 39-4 394 394 S00 li4 4 9S0O 1S14 174 IT94 4200 724 71 714 65 65 654 1200 40 39 40 0 12900 944 934 93 1 1900 44 434 434 4 100 54 54 54 4 100 1004 1004 100 1 1600 49 494 494 4 500 34 34 2 0 12 0 34 374 K4 34400 1194 1174 1194 1 SB 2T 26 26 10100 54 53 '534 24 95 0 3100 234 23 23 4 1900 1254 124 1244 23P S24 824 324 4 5900 99 99 994 1 70 714 71 714 1300 554 55 554 1100 33 324 33 4 116 1S00 404 394 404 100 69 69 69 200 31' 314 314 4 75700 17SH 173 1784 So ss 234 4 3900 46 45 4 45 0 9900 104 10 4 19 IS 3100 30 28 2S 4 1400 55 54 55 4 iW 19 194 1000 61 81 1 300 714 71 714 900 16 K4 16 0 I 200 31 304 1 200 111 111 1 Zm 75'4 75 754 4 300 4 20 4 4 1100 106 1054 1054 4 20 844 924 934 17600 43 424 424 4 16800 10 10 10 4 2590 374 35 13000 S34 S04 S3 3M0 44-4 44 444 2400 504 4S 14400 43 42 42 290O 514 50 504 0 64600 26 24 264 14 2000 51 50 504 100 7 S7 i 0 .900 37 374 37 100 $0 80 80 3300 75 71 74 i 1300 S7 864 4 1600 20 20 2C4 0 S04 S14 1 3C0 82 S14 4 103 4 327-30 1144 104 113 64 100 54 fc4 53 3 100 74 74 744 300 14 9 4 13 .113100 ,52 56 59 3 61 1 52400 1094 1074 107 4 9700 29 24 28T4 .4 800 694 64 69 4 10200 77 75 75 1300 67 4 56 57 1 200 JS 28 2409 15 144 144 0 464 45 444 2 20500 230 2114 22S 9 100 14 14 14 3300 S9 SS4 SiVi 4 4200 132 130 .130 14 1300 464 46 45 1324 131 '4 132 14 300 174 1734 173 3 700 25 24 244 4 1200 151 1494 150 45CO SS4 S7 87 4 100 50 50 49 S0900 1014 1004 1004 200 114 llu Hi7.

0 300 764 76 76 im 614 61 4 CtOO V4 1200 33 234 32 4 4u0 11 10 11 4 100 S6V4 f4 454 0 46200 51 50 51 1 1400 594 59 0 1400 824 32 300 954 94 94 95 4 Summary. I.ast Sales. Hich. T.nw. Sale.

Chpre. la A. W. Olass pfd. 10114 ltsnj iimij A.

W. S5 sr 1 Do. C2 S2 S2 1 Baldwin Imco 93 93 lfK Consolidated 6 674 ti'i 'i, M0 Do. 2S'i SK4 2110 Fireoroof nfd 17 15 ISO Belle Iron 99 99 99 4 SO Lone Star Gas 2-57 2 2S5 27 Mfrs. L.

S3 0 140 Ohio Fuel Oil 23 JZ i tiv.5 Ohio Fuel Supply Sn 3fi-4 -f- 2270 Oklahoma Gas 3T Zi7 A Pgh. Brewing i 5 4 10V.2 P. -J. Copper 22 .20 tl Pgh. Oil 13 124 0 1A P.iv.

Kastern Oil. ll4 1-4 1U -1- 4 130 Fan Toy 07 .07 9 47 Sewer Pipe 234 22i 23 4 10 V. X. Gas 1S4 1S4 SO V. S.

G'ass 314 24 32H 0 445 West. 109. 104 lfws. 4H 847 West. 01 M4 51 1H Illinois Inspiration Ir.terboro.

Do Inter. Do Inter. Nickel Internet. K. C.

Kelly S. Tire Kehnecott Keystone Tire Lack. Steel Lehigh Lee Rubber A T. Louis. A Maxwell Do first Do second pref.

Mei. Miami Mitlvaie Steel. K. AT Do Missouri Pacific. Do National Conduit Nat.

National Nevada New N. T. T. N. O.

A Norfolk A West. Northern Pacific. Ohio Cities Okie. P. A Pacific Mall Pan-Am.

Pennsylvania Peoples Oas Philadelphia Pierce Bont.ls. Sale. High. Liberty 3:4 Sf.7) $.0 8S. 64 Do 1st 4.

T3 5.W Do 4r Si S3.) S3 3J S3.K0 Do 1st 12', 4 Do I'd 4H S3.S4 3.4 M.SS Do 3d 4s Sn-l 5.1S 5. 1 Do 4th 4H W.50 M.34 r3.59 I Am For Sec is rt 1-1S 9 U-lt Anrlo-Frt -nh ss ff i City of Bonleaus 3 99 City of Lyons 4 ta i City Marseilles el 'i Ciiy of Paris Us IS 9 CKUHl 191. 7 9i Wt- Io 5, of 121.... 33 9 a', of -I Am TT col tr 14 so4 im's vi I DO conv 5 S3 WSt WV, conv 4MjS 14 77 76', 77 Do refg 5s T7H 773, T7H Beth Hteel ex Ss. 21 P6 8n 9S Central Leather 5s.

17 8 Chi lit West 5s 7 H4 conv 5s 73ij SJ-, jt 4s 44 95 5t4 Cons Gas conv s. ITi) 102 101 ref 47 4'i 47 47 lstref 41 59 58H SvSi, Inter-Met 4Hs 1 31H 3i2 Interboro 5... tfi tx Mo Pacific gen 4.. 65 61', 1V Sit inc 5s. 53 52 Cent deb 41 4H iii 1 Penna iron 5s in 95 1'lefce Oil cv 6e.l9..

f.T 11 124 1SI4 DO 124 la l'Vt li 109 Pab'd A adj 16 40 48 45 Sinclair Oil 7s 91, l-'7 121', 1 Sou Pc conv 47 li 1T Do conv 4s SS Mi South Ry Ben (X 67' Rub KH s7H TT Steel 5s 13 l.K, 1W, 1WH Wilson Co 1st 6s. 5. MX, 9)Vt 99T, Prudent Men Thrive They do not follow a costly method inviting a loss, but adhere steadfastly to the profitable principle of providing against a loss. Such men welcome the protection afforded by American Credit Insurance. By adopting this service of safety prudence and wise economy, the difference between what they have and what they owe their net worth increases in the right way.

F.very manufacturer and jobber, whatever the size of his business, should have' the service and protection which the American provides for a small and fixed charge. Our new booklet, "A Billion of will be sent free upon request. Get a copy. aeAMEWCAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CQ -NEWYORK E.M.TREAT.Presiderrf L. C.

VOSS, General Agent Empire Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Phonet Court 3111. SEVEN YEARS, selling Republic Trucks exclusively. SEVEN YEARS, exceptional service republic owners. W.


second 93.04 93.04 S3.M 100 Do. second 93.44 3.44 9i.44 .21 1ST DO. third 94.90 4.t2 94. S9)0 Do. fourih 4is.

9.30 9J.U 93.30 .06 on what looked like confident buying Oklahoma Natural Gas shares were active and closed "8 higher for tho day. Both of the local clay stock were weaker, Fireproonngr preferred losing i at 164. and Sewer Pipe showing an equal decline. There was littl-3 trading in the glass group, a few shares of Window Glass preferred sell-fog at IOO14, a gain of and Machine Common getting little attention ou small lot at 83 and toVs. Speculation Prominent.

A special dispatch from the New fork Times reviews the day in Wall street as follows: "The play of speculative forces was clearly outlined in today's dealings in stocks, notably through advances by members of a particular 4cToup while other members were being depressed through extensive offerings. The market was two-sided all the way along. Amidst a substantial forward movement as accumulated buying orders were executed in the first half hour there was a heavy output of realizing sales, especially in shares which had been bid upward toward the end of last week. "The see-saw process which fol- lowed showed that, the parties at work were balanced until late in the session when buying appeared to be somewhat more insistent than the selling. "The day's result was a highly irregular price list, of a quality which did not lend itself td analysis as affecting the movement or quotations during the next few sessions.

Undoubtedly speculative fervor for the rise continued with all its former vigor among a number of the petroleum stocks, the shipping issues and various specialties of one sort or another. Opposed to this throughout the session was the steady realization of profits by professional traders and those of the public cate-' gory who listened to suggestions from their brokers that a cautious attitude after the recent activity and advance might be of advantage later on. "The action of railroad stocks failed to fulfill the promise held out in the of last Saturday. Some flivl-' -jJHend payers and a number of the low-priced issues whose deliveries are remote moved while others displayed indifference to the bullish pressure and were easily depressed under rather moderate offerings. The entire railroad list lacked "snap," an element Which had long been a stranger to these stocks, but whose presence was detected last week to a degree provocative of comfortable expectations among traders who transferred a part of their committments to them from the industrials.

tetxrreMtiom Vpxet. "Several railroads which had been assisted forward by operations In their property, were declined to weakness through eelling and profit taking, a development not altogether unnatural in view of the ize of the recent advances. There was nothing to explain however, the revision from trength to weakness by New York Central, Reading, Vnion Pacific and several other standard issues. When the railroad group began a few days ago to respond to speculative buying, the feeling arose in some quarters of the street that an evening-up proce had been started which might Impart to the carriers the enlivening influence in evidence among the industrials for MooTQ9 Leonard Lyncli Closing Bid and Offer. Members New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago Bid.

Ask. 99 and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges. Frick Building, Pittsburj Phone Grant 5160 2M0 With warrants. STOCKS. Pgh, National Banko Par.

Farmers Deposit National. l'JO Trust Companies fnlon Trust Sewicklev Valley. 1W City Railaaye P. T. W.

P. 100 Do. preferred 100 Electric Westmghouse preferred 59 Oil-Ohio Fuel Oil 1 Pittsburgh Oil Gas 5 Riverside Eastern Oil 5 191S. 11. ISlT.

Day's 15. I 7.11.W S.0H.5 Year to date. 1.052.73.Sa9 430.5SS.5tX) 15 65 0 Pittsburgh Coal Do P. A W. New York Curb Market.

NEW YORK, April 28. (New York Times Special.) Trading in curb securities on the resumption of business today was again On a large scale, the turn The Lance Creek Field of Wyoming Reports ten 1 i I Tl AVMCMTli Income 0 224 124 1 49 3ti4 Do Natural Gas Lone Star Mfrs. Light 49i rurioiif Month Pressed S- Railway Springs. Ray Copper over in stocks again exceeding 1,000,000 shares. Several new oil stocks were in- i troduced to the list and were traded in on a large scale.

Business in the higher- Five Wells Brought in ORGANIZED 1SB4 Ohio Fuel Oklahoma 25 Glass Am. Window Giasa Math. 100 Miscellaneous American Rolling 25 Reading 10900 10909 101) it) 1W American Sewer Consolidated Ice. 1 Do. preferred, Crucible Steel pfd I rat Republic I.

A Do preferred. Royal Savage Saxon Seaboard A. L. 32 Dividends a Year DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU 1 34 54 priced securities was on a large scale also, with the general tone Irregular. Trading in oils was unusually active, especially among the new securities.

Mid-West-Texas Oil was added to the list today. Among the regular list of oil shares Houston Oil was steady, while Mid-West Refining was subjected to light profit-taking and declined se'eral' points. Mining stocks were active with a firm undertone. National Tin sold to a new 4 2S 834 im 3'. S4 1S! 3 5 lHi) 100 19 hi 1 Sloss Shef.

Steel. Pioneer Well Section 86. Township SS. Ranso 65. producing 4pm barrels of hiRh srade oil dally, "Well on Section 25, 3fi.

65 estimated producing more than 4000 barrels daily. Well on Section 85, 35, 65, over 8500 barrels daily. Weil on Section 3, 35. 65 about 3500 barrels daily. Well on Section 10, 35, Oa flow not yet reported.

A Detailed Field Map showing the properties and their possibilities as controlled by the various companies Including the ROCK OIL PRODUCING CO. will be mailed free on request. Ask for G. Dealing in bonds con. 2S 10 Southern Paclf Southern Do preferred 5tudebaker StuU Superior Steel.

Tennessee Cop without much change in hieh record, tinued light price. Bowls. J'ftlex. Hlsh. Low.

Lasl. mar be seenred br unrcbaslnc a eoraMaatioB of 8 listed stocks with aa ATerace Yield ot About 11 at current prices. The diversified nature of these stocks iasures aa unusoal dearree of safety. The total i Investment Is Abont $278.50 (or 6 roct 1 thwt each) This combination mar be par chased coder "The ft Payment Plan" oa a First Payment ef Abont $31 the balance beins- payable in 9 equal Bioathlr payments, dorlns which time roo will receive the beteA of all dividends paid. Bend for our letter deserlbin each stock la tills combiaatina Harbison-Walker Kefrac.

Vv Do. loo Independent Brewing 50 National Flrepreoling 60 Do. SO P. A. Telephone I'M Do.

preferred 100 Pittsburgh Coai Co. WO Pittsburgh Roils Corp 100 Standard Sanitary 190 Do. preferred 100 Vnion Storage On 0 Westlnghouse 50 Rosenbaum 100 Mining-Pittsburgh A Ml. 1 Pittsburgh-Jerome 1 Rose M. M.

Co 1 San Toy Mining 1 BONDS. Citv Railway McK. C. 1st m. Ratirnad PittsbuiKh Jet.

1st m. 1922 Do. second m. 5s 19iJ Mlsrei laneous American Sewer Pipe 6s. .1920 Independent Brew.

1st Pittsburgh Brewing Co. s.i949 Pittsburgh Roils Corp. 1932 Am. T. T.

in 1319... 16.000 Hfl 100 .40 .32 Texas A Pacific 31S00 31SO0 -4 Texas Otl Co Third WINSLOW TAYLOR Tobacco Union Anaconda Copper ll.OW 99 99 9i Ton. Uas. of H. 7a lrl a.ODO llt4 lOOtfe 111014 Federal Farm ts lM.OiK) K'3T, JOS1 103Ti Illinois Central 10.000 97 97 i7 Jmerboro.

R. T. 12.000 S54 SflVi I-aclede Gas 7s (new). 1.000 99i 891i 9 N. y.

Tel. deb. lis l.ooft 100 100 100 Procter 7s 1933... 1,000 204 104 104 Russian 17, i 67 67 Do GH 4Vi 4S FSindalr Gulf 6.1 30.0 1 Southern Ry. -yr.

6s. 10.000 99Vs 99 Swift A Co. Ss 5.000 111014 nwv, 10014 Wilson A Co. 6s. 8.0U0 7i, 97) i7X That your Government needs money to bring the Boys back Home? SUBSCRIBE TODAY FIFTH (Victory) LIBERTY LOAN Notes on Sale at The Peoples National Bank 409-411 Wood Street V.

Alloy Cigar Stores. MEMBERS COXSOI-IDATEn STOCK EXCHANGE OF NEW YORK Widener Pa. (MAIN" OFFICE) rhones Walnut Race S1BS 100 9ti4 95 54 6.4 93 100 f.nited Fruit IT. S. C.

I. Pipe- and oJr booklet esplaininjr "The I. Alcohol. LIBERTY BONDS. S.

Rubber. V. S. Smelters S. New York Bond Quotations.

(Kfported by R. W. Evans A Co.) Ten Patmt Him." Ask-f-v letter and booklet GT-CT-TS. E. E1.

Fuller Co. Members ef Consolidated stock Kxch. of EO Broad Street, New York Do Utah Va. Chemical Wabash Do preferred I 2. 9i fnt Mr Mar 9 Do couioii WiK So ret Bsi 1' rt Conv 3s, re A- Myers 93 Do roupon 'L.

l'n tJb 3ls Tex 1st 4a 3' t' 4s, rir lOT.VMn KPn 4" Bl 14 Do coufon. jiMontana I'ow 6s, Am For ftec BrtsiN 'en deb Timely Lwtstment SUGGESTIONS An Interesting Financial Publication. Issued fortnightly, containing raluable investment turrestions, will be mailed regularly without charge upon request. Bend for current Una 6 4 G. Do preferred i Am rlt 6s.

90' Con 4s So I'acifio 4s (Quoted by IL W. Evans A New York and There are seven classes of Liberty bonds. When a higher rate Liberty bond la issued la exchange for a lower one the bond issued in exchange has the same maturity and Interest date as the bond turned In. In the table below first 4a are bonds which have been issued In exchange for this; first 4Iis are bonds issued in exchange) for 34s or for first 4s; second 4s are the original bonds of second tosue; second 4s are bonds Issued in exchange tor second loan 4s; third" 4a are the third loan original bonds; fourth are the fourth loan original bonds. Accrued interest to time of sale or pur-crase In addition to these prices: Net Anirlo French Armour A Co 4s Zt West.

Maryland Western Westlnghouse White Motor Willys Overland Do MAKE THE VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN A SUCCESS BUY BONDS IX) 3s Or Line ref X71 Pao Tel Tel 6a. Mrti Pa Con 43 9 no uen Reading sen 3 AtPhlson gn sj At Line 1st 4.. 14 4s 77 Heth 8tl rcf 871 HOLLAND COMPANY I I ijfvtsTMENT sicirarrnEs Q3 BROADWAY NEWYORK Oil-the World's! F.x -dividend. Total sales, MS).) shares the better part of three months. Today's sagging tendency did not, of course, upwet this impression, even though it cast some doubt upon it.

More time will be required to test the true market attributes of the rail ehares, and It would seem as though events were shaping which would ultimately have much constructive value to them. It is believed generally that th definite solution of the railroads future will be undertaken soon after Congress convenes, and the next session Is looked for in a few weeks. "The stock market paid little attention to the news of either domestic or foreign origin. The peace situation was practically ignored. The announcement.

Important from various financial and business angles, that the Postmaster General had moved to return the cable lines to their owners by May 10 was received too late to have a bearing on the market transactions. Sterling, francs and lire all improved their positions. Call money continued in ample supply at five per cent." YESTERDAY'S RANGE OF SO STOCKS. orporation Open. High, Low.

Close.Cge. 99.64 .70 M.SO 3. $0 W.90 9S.JO K.m 93.82 91 60 93.33 93.110 .22 Cen t-eather V. 'Rep Stl 5s Cen Paolrtc 79 1st 8 adj 6s 7' ev 6s. s4 Seab A I.

adj Ss. 4 I (Ml It Joint 4S. 9.i?;So liell Tel 6s 90', "l-M AS Pcv 4's. 7Hi So Pacific cv If I ref 4s. 73 jSjouthern Ry 9S I Kn 3H-S 70 Do 4s ref 42s 7S'i Texas Co cv fi 102 ID Jt ref 47 Tex A paciflo 1st.

Distillers Pec SOVfnlon Paclflo ft'i Dom Can ds (131 Rubber trt, Krle pen 4s SS Stel 6s i.W, Hen F.lectrlc 99: Va Car Chem jf.T No 1st SB iValaPh 1st M'4 til On ref 4s 79'! Liberty Do 1st Do td IM 1st 4Vs. We Specialize In mar Oil Gas Sa.94 90 B5.S0 5.90 .00 74 94 93.36 fS.KJ Io L.t 4's 93.4 Si Not High. LOW. iJist, Cfe. C4.X1 C3.1S 63.73 0 M.51 H.3 .96 tt.U 71.75 7.34 .18 13 94 2i 95 .13 95 .20 Do 4-s .4 93.

is 93.50 93.34 93.43 Greatest Asset The Standard Oils Oklahoma Prottacinf ft Refiamg kcijzti High Grade Diversified Investmtat Treed of the Stock Market These subjects, as well as other financial topics, are covered in our semi-monthly publication, "Securities Suggestions" Sent free upon request. Ask for 28 ivc-MEGARGELoco. Investment Securities 27 Pine Street-Ueartork Do 4lh 111 railroads Industrials 5ft stocks Accr'd Int. Anflrol, todav on By order of the Board of Directors PRICE of its stock ADVANCES, $1.50 per share, MAY 1st. One of foremost independent oil and gas companies, directed by a responsible, efficient management of practical, successful oil and gas men.

Address all inquiries to W. E. SNYDER CO. Union Bank Bldg. Court 4380.

Pittsburgh, Pa. lntertioro Es. 6614 'Hid. CaUabe. tue.

leld. 1104 Hond. Nw York Curb Industrial Stocks. REPUBLIC BOND GO. Uteri unci fnHs-fe e-mrltle 345 Fourth Ave.

Pittsburgh, Pa. Llbertv 1M7 II SS Do 1st 4.., 1MJ 1M7 4 1 44 I 4s Yli 1M3 4.44 1 Ih 1st in: 4.r,i 1 57 Im sd 4Ss WiT 1MJ 4 1 i Do 81 inn 4 3 il uo 4th 4s ism iws 1:, Ask 37 1-iH 1 14 Ask' Bid ll1 3 ub linat IS'j 34 jTiianRle 2 Sharlnr ft li IS Do pfd 3 L-'i'r World Film. lt Wright Mar. 44 Int Ji Wyne Coal i FSId Aetna l'l A Paper. 7'i Can F.

Car har I'ramp Whip. 117 'urtiss Aer. 11 Hall ft 4 Lake Marconi 4S Masim Mun A i BONOS FOR INVESTMENT GORDON COMPANY Members THtf-hnrah Stork Exchange Union Rank Hnilcling PITTSBURGH Telephone Court 3'4B4-326. DON'T FAIL TO BUY VICTORY LIBERTY Chicago Stacks. Armour jM lOSt.indaay Booth vlW.ears f.rhide 69 Stewart Warner 914 LOAN BONDS.

BUY THEN BUY MORE New York Curb Motor Stock. Bid Ask) Bid Ask halmrs 'i jHuPP Chy E6 ipeertesa Si Fails 3 3td Grant 5 1 i United Mtrs. 44 43 WAREHOrSB HITR FOR SALE 421 and 425 College Ave. Rare Bar-pain. 16,000 square feet space.

Good income propostlon. PITTSBURG TRUST COMPAST, S23 Fou-th Avenue. VSE THE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULTS. Pneo International a- CurfeJiy Co II (Swift A Co 141 iibby i.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.